Editorial: Jog on, Meta

Mark Zuckerberg made two announcements about major changes in Meta in the past two weeks. The first was the revelation that they would be creating hundreds of AI-driven bots to interact with users. The second was the announcement that they would stop moderation of content, “except for dangerous stuff,” according to a video posted by Zuckerberg. With a certain amount of schadenfreude, we note that Meta had to pull the accounts they had already made as users started engaging with them, finding their inherent flaws and raking them over the coals for how piss-poor their execution was.

Both of these announcements validated a decision I had made earlier this year to start divesting myself of Meta platform accounts. I made the request to deactivate all the accounts (Facebook, Instagram and Messenger) a week before both announcements. I would have done it sooner if I had known it would take Meta 30 days from my request to deactivate everything. This morning, however, I received a text from my partners in Cyber Protection Magazine asking if I thought we should deactivate our Facebook account.

Frankly, I had forgotten we had one, basically because we received zero engagement from the platform, despite the amount of content we put up there. That,.too, is a result of Meta de-emphasizing legacy media. Of course, I concurred with the team. Sometime in February, we will disappear from Facebook.

The real MSM

I consider social media to be mainstream media because it is used by more people than those who use legacy media (print and broadcast). The effect of this switch has resulted in the opposite of the founders’ intentions; i.e. a town square where all people can voice an opinion. Instead, we have something more akin to the riot at the US Capitol on January 2021, with a few people trying to defend the institution of government and a thousand more trying to tear it down.

Social media is the driving force behind the destruction of civil discourse and the “dumb-ification” of humanity. There is a better way.

Related:   Popular Apps Endanger Ukrainians.

Raising the bar

We are still involved in social media, but we are restricting it to more civil platforms. We have always received much bore engagement from LinkedIn so we remain there, but we are also embracing decentralized platforms, like Mastodon and Bluesky, where we can better control who and what we discuss according to our own decisions. The commercial interests of platforms like Meta and X are counterintuitive to our goal of explaining how people can protect themselves from the criminals that inhabit those places.

Yes, LinkedIn has similar problems, but because they are so much smaller, they are less attractive to criminal elements. That is a feature, as far as we are concerned. But LinkedIn also makes it much easier to not only avoid unconstructive discussion, it also makes it easier to block unconstructive people. We would be much happier, however, if LinkedIn moved to a decentralized approach.

In media, who you are reaching is infinitely more important than how many you are reaching. If you are selling boner pills or commemorative plates, volume matters. If you are trying to change the world for the better, you want to reach people who have a similar motivation There are not as many of those. We hope you will find Cyber Protection Magazine and our channels to be the latter for you. We leave Meta and X for the former.

Lou Covey

Lou Covey is the Chief Editor for Cyber Protection Magazine. In 50 years as a journalist he covered American politics, education, religious history, women’s fashion, music, marketing technology, renewable energy, semiconductors, avionics. He is currently focused on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. He published a book on renewable energy policy in 2020 and is writing a second one on technology aptitude. He hosts the Crucial Tech podcast.

One thought on “Editorial: Jog on, Meta

  • I am very happy to find your Cyber Protection magazine Lou Covey and hear you express such sensible and much needed opinions about the state of social media. Thank you for stating what many of us are feeling and being so matter-of-fact and pragmatic.


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