Podcast: Canada in the crosshairs for cyber attack

An August report from the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security said over the next two years, Canada is going to face significant threats from state-supported cyberattacks from Russia, China and North Korea.

“We assess that Russian intelligence services and law enforcement almost certainly maintain relationships with cybercriminals and allow them to operate with near impunity,” the centre said.

Canada? What the heck did Canada do to earn the ire of those folks. Canadians are arguably the nicest people in the world. So we called up our favorite Canadian “cybersleuth”, Ian Thornton-Trump, Cyjax’s CISO. to get the skinny. What we learned is that Canada not only has a close working relationship with US law enforcement to track down, capture and prosecute cybercriminals all over the world.

Moreover, Canada has a unique relationship with the nation of Ukraine. During the Russian Revolution that became the USSR, 10s of thousands of Ukrainian refugees ended up in Canada over the past 100 years, became successful, wealthy, and are providing monetary support to the Ukrainian government. So that’s gotta irk Vladimir Putin…. or as he is known in Quebec, Vlad “Poutine.”

Lou Covey

Lou Covey is the Chief Editor for Cyber Protection Magazine. In 50 years as a journalist he covered American politics, education, religious history, women’s fashion, music, marketing technology, renewable energy, semiconductors, avionics. He is currently focused on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. He published a book on renewable energy policy in 2020 and is writing a second one on technology aptitude. He hosts the Crucial Tech podcast.

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