Apple’s porn scan is bad, unless you think it is good

The term “slippery slope” is applied to a lot of hypothetical outcomes of everything from legislation to technology. In the case of Apple monitoring the use of products and services for distributing child pornography it appears there are more than one or those lubricated hillsides.

At Cyber Protection Magazine we are internally debating the benefit/risk ratio of this decision and decided to air our thoughts in real time in this episode of Crucial Tech. US editor Lou Covey thinks the GDPR, CCPA and a host of other potential legislation has already begun a slide toward government control of technology. On the other hand, EU editor Patrick Boch thinks Apple’s decision in the impetus. In either case, one has to decide whether making it difficult for child abusers to pursue their kink is worth the potential loss of privacy, or if privacy is an absolute right.

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