Media training offered for cyber industry

Cyber Protection Magazine ((CPM) processes hundreds of press releases, pitches, and reports every month. Slogging through the pile of marketing jargon is a laborious task. On occasion, our editorial staff has taken the time to inform submitters why the content needs clarification if not being rejected outright. More often than not, the response from the submitter is, “We wished we had talked to you when we were planning this launch.” To fix that problem, CPM is launching a new media training program for executives in the cybersecurity industry. The service enhances an executives’ ability to differentiate and clearly communicate their expertise and technologies to a broad audience.

“After years of these discussions, we decided to institute a formal program encouraging adoption of cybersecurity systems and practices through clear communications.” said Chief Editor Lou Covey,

Atypical training

Most media training program focus only on how to talk to the press. CPM’s program goes further. The program will include:

  • Message review: We will look at your proposed messaging as well as past announcements and provide constructive criticism of the chosen language.
  • Why messages fail: An overview of the typical language that fails to differentiate a company and its offerings.
  • Competitive landscape: Since we receive so many pitches, we get a good idea of who the players are. Using our combined experience in journalism, public relations and product marketing we will document our findings of your unique selling point for discussions with analysts, journalists and customers.
  • News from the front: Our 50+ years experience in journalism and marketing communications helps you understand what a seasoned journalist is seeking.
  • Actionable content: At the end of the program, CPM will produce an article and/or podcast interview published on our channels
  • Content is king: The content is repurposable on the companies’ channels to expand reach.
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“Over the years, the content of news releases, websites and other marketing materials has become formulaic. We know what that formula is and it hurts company credibility,” said Covey.” The repetition in that content obscures the real story of these companies and the sheer volume of it overwhelms the few qualified journalists still working. The use of generative AI makes the problem worse. Generative AI uses the same, repetitive marketing language because that’s how it’s trained on. That results in homogenized messaging, destroying differentiation. This program will restore differentiation and, in the process, make it easier for us to accept and report on industry news. It’s a win-win.”

The program costs $2,000 for the sessions, the content to be published on CPM platforms, and researching market positioning. A package of 50 one-year subscriptions to CPM is available for employees and key customers. Discounts are available to partner agencies with multiple clients. Contact us at to reserve your slot.

About Cyber Protection Magazine

Cyber Protection Magazine provides in-depth analysis, news, and insights on cybersecurity. Focussing on the latest trends, threats, and solutions. The magazine reaches an audience of thousands every month for professionals, organizations and technology “lay people” looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

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